
Showing posts from July, 2012

Bacon's a Food Group... Right?

I know I'm not the only one out there that has a love affair with bacon... Is it one of my favorite foods? YES... Yes it is! There, I said it! (Hangs head in shame). In a world where dieting, healthy lifestyle and being fit is always on one’s mind, this is not the type of food all people (especially women) are willing to admit they love. Is bacon something I indulge in very often? Nope... And for obvious reasons that need not be talked about. While I'm not one who obsesses over what I eat, I do keep it in check... Usually 1 . We buy turkey bacon from time to time...and it's an ok substitute... But nowhere near as yummy. So many people obsess over healthy eating to a point where they're depriving themselves of those small indulgences. And I can appreciate that dedication... on some level. But constant deprivation will sometimes lead to falling off the wagon all together. (Insert empty ice cream tub and chip bags watching Bridget Jones’ Diary image here). Sound familiar...